Happy Monday friends, this week’s Department Spotlight is Lance Corporal Mike Horowitz!
LC Horowitz came to us four years ago from Northern Chicago after following his retired parents to The Lowcountry. Once he was settled in Jasper County, he met the woman of his dreams, and was married soon after.
LC Horowitz enjoys working with the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office because “every day is different. We have new experiences daily and it’s always nice to meet different people from all walks of life. This seems to be what this area is all about, coming together, and accepting one another” Horowitz said. When we asked what advise he would like to offer the younger generation of Jasper County he said, “Please be careful what you post on social media. What you do now and put out publicly will always be on the internet.”
Please join us again this week in thanking Lance Corporal Horowitz for his continued efforts to keep our County safe and patrolled.